
Showing posts from July, 2021

Summer Skin Care: Tips for Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

  The summer months are here, and many people find themselves outdoors more often than usual. The sun is shining brighter, the sky is bluer, and there's plenty of time for outdoor activities like swimming or playing outside with friends. While summertime has a lot to offer its residents, it also poses some serious risks to skin health. This blog post will give you tips on how to keep your skin healthy while still enjoying the best that summer has to offer. Basic Tips on Protecting Your Skin in the Summer:  Wear a hat and sunglasses when outside for long periods of time, especially if you have thin skin or fair skin that is easily burned.  Apply sunscreen every day before going out into the sunlight (even if just for an hour). Don't forget to apply protective lip balm in the summer when you are outside more often. Consider wearing UV clothing to protect your skin against harmful rays. Keep your skin moisturized with a face moisturizer and body lotion to keep it softer, hydrated,