Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Checkup

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Checkup
“The first wealth is health.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

By now you’ve probably heard the phrase an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This phrase is especially true when it comes to your annual checkup. While your trusted physician should be an advocate for your health and wellness, it’s important for you to take control of your own health by scheduling annual exams and screenings. 

According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 92-percent of Americans believe it’s important to get an annual physical, yet only 62-percent report actually following through with the exam. An annual checkup can serve as a baseline or road map of your health, your physician will check your vital signs, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, unhealthy trends that may be a cause for concern and indicators for heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases. Here are some compelling reasons to schedule an annual exam. 

Saves you money
Healthcare costs can add up and the sooner you can detect and treat a potentially serious or advanced illness, the easier it can be on your pocketbook. Early detection of certain diseases can save you trips to the Emergency Room, specialized physicians, and further testing which could save you money in terms of your medical bills. 

Early detection 
Regular exams provide your physician with a lot of data when it comes to your body and overall health. That’s why it’s easier to detect if there is something alarming. The more data your physician has the better. 

Overall well-being 
When it comes to an annual exam it goes well beyond early detection. Your physician will be able to suggest a screening schedule when it comes to your age and risk factors, help you make better dietary changes based on your numbers, be able to discuss medications and interactions and also answer questions you may have. In short, your physician can help improve your overall well-being and help you achieve health goals.

This stands for Annual Wellness Exam, this is a “covered” yearly service on most insurance plans--meaning NO EXTRA EXPENSE TO YOU! Insurance companies including Medicare are
strongly encouraging these yearly visits for their participants so that you and your medical team can focus on...Prevention. Health Maintenance. Staying Well.

PrimaryPlus is happy to offer these in-depth appointments centered around creating a personalized action plan for YOU and YOUR HEALTH. These appointments range from 20- minutes to an hour in length (based on insurance type and age). During the visit, you and your medical provider will review your medical history, health education tools and talk about preventative measures that can be taken to MAXIMIZE YOUR
HEALTH. How are these different from a regular appointment? Most regular office visits focus on acute care. This means it looks at one specific area of keeping you well, for example if you have a cold or you need treated for blood pressure, etc. The AWE looks at the BIG picture, the ENTIRE picture of your health, ensuring everything is being done to maintain your quality of life.

Who qualifies for an AWE? 
Although the concept for AWE’s is the same, there are many different types of AWE’s based on age range. If you are new to Medicare, you qualify for the Initial Preventative Physical
Exam (as long as it is completed within the first 12 months of being enrolled and then an AWE each year after that). Another type of AWE is a Well-Child Exam or Adolescent Well-Child which are expected up until age 18. Then of course there are Adult AWE’s for both male and female for anyone 18-64.

How often can I get an AWE?
 Most insurance plans will only pay for an Annual Wellness Exam (AWE) once a year. It is the patient’s responsibility to know if and when you completed your AWE to make sure the
cost is covered by insurance. If you are unsure, call your insurance carrier and they will be able to assist you.

At PrimaryPlus-Ashland, connecting and managing your overall healthcare plan with your specific health issues needs is our number one priority. If you are interested in learning more about how we can serve you, learn more about our team or services, please visit our website or give us a call today at (606) 324-0128.


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